Sunday 9 October 2016

Chapter 4, The unexpected behavior of mother

One morning, vinay was waiting for his uncle to get dropped in the school. He was in 3rd standard. His mother was having breakfast in the dining table nearby. In fact, Vinay was getting late for the school. The kid was holding a long colorful umbrella in his hand and he started playing with it by swinging it up and down. Vinay’s mother warned him not to do so as it might hit his head or his eyes, or it could slip away from his hand and might make the flower vase fall down which was kept on a small table beside him.

The kid kept doing it and grimaced at her as she warned him again. Then suddenly his mother made a swift movement towards him and dragged the umbrella from him and hit hard on that kid’s left hand by saying “Can’t you obey when I say something?” The hard plastic handle of the umbrella broke into two pieces and fell aside. The boy started wailing as his soft and tender hand became red. He kept wailing till he reached school.
What was the need of hitting the child with that umbrella? Was it really necessary to react so curtly by his mother? It would have been better if that umbrella had hit his head or the flower vase had fallen down rather hurting a small child’s heart.

Vinay was slowly moving away from the attachment of the family and he found closeness and happiness by being with his friends. One Sunday morning, he was watching a cartoon in the television and he got excited at it and screamed out of joy to which his mother got annoyed and asked him to switch off the television and go inside the room. His mother and uncle were having a serious talk at that time. Vinay got provoked at his mother's behavior and he increased the volume of the television and started screaming again loudly. His mother just lost her patience and moved towards the television and pulled out the plug off the switch board and then shoved vinay at his back and said, “get lost from here". Vinay was getting furious and feeling sad also. He then, frowned at her by saying, “this is the reason that I don’t like you”. He then ran out of the house through the main door.

That was an unexpected comment from Vinay. i was expecting a terrible and worse reaction from his mother. Luckily, she just went on with the conversation with ranjith uncle.
As i said earlier, Vinay had a strong belief that his mother liked his sister more. He felt so, because once he was playing with his sister in the evening after the school, as usual, they ended up in fighting and she pushed Vinay at his stomach with the cricket bat she was holding. He was hurt and started crying. Vinay was unable to show his anger back at her as she was his “chechi”. He was waiting for his mother to get back home. But situation changed when she asked him why he always fights with Nisha. He failed in making her shout at Nisha. His last relief was uncle and he was happy when uncle renjith gave nisha a slight hit on her leg with the same cricket bat.

That night, Vinay was made to sleep with his mother and sister. He could see his sister crying on the bed and mother was shouting at him by asking, “Are you happy by making my little girl cry? What you got by making your uncle hit my daughter with a cricket bat? Do you think he would do the same to his own daughter?” Vinay was blank and was having no idea what to say and at that time. He really felt he was useless and felt as a bad child who made his sister cry for no reason.

But as a small boy he was expecting a loving and cheerful advice, a caring and understanding behavior from his mother. Vinay’s mind was getting confused and was overflowing with emotions. He thought he was good for nothing and started taking things seriously and emotionally. His mind was becoming weak and was losing confidence on himself. He wanted someone who would really love him, support him and guide him and also make him strong.

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