Monday 3 October 2016

Chapter -1, Introduction....!


Every human life is a pot of uncertainty and is an outcome of decisions mounded out of jumbled thoughts. To succeed or to find the ultimate happiness in life is just a matter of luck or a meer game of un anticipation. Successful people would define life as a result of focus or hard work which made them rich or powerful. But, for all those who lived for love or with by keeping their heart on fellowship, togetherness, it's just a mirror with a false reflection.

To me, Vinay was an epitome of innocence or like an overflowing bowl with immense affection towards people. Yet, he was a strong boy with a strong heart. His childhood started on the verge of a situation where, the world was about to let its door opened for the giant technological development with unpredictable growth in the field of software and communication. I would say, his childhood had a narrow escape from being swallowed by mobile phones and computers.

His mother was a common bank employee whose entire life was revolving around the usual bank terms like debits and credits followed by the urge for promotions and salary hikes in order to have a better life in the society and also to run her family in the small town called tripunithura. When vinay was a teenager, he understood that it was his mother's salary which was keeping the family moving ahead day by day .But, on the other side, it was his father's contribution that made the family prosperous and secured with a buoyant bank balance, a dream house and other financial support a common family could imagine. His father was a part of the huge proud malayalee crowd who was working incessantly in the Middle East. Vinay's father was working as an engineer for an oil and petroleum company in Oman. But, as usual, as a coin has another side, vinay's life too had another sorrowful side. He never liked his father and he hated him the most.
Vinay's elder sister was totally the opposite of him. To some extent, even she behaved quiet similar to her father towards Vinay. A small portion of father's arrogance had also splashed on her behavior. Nonetheless, Vinay's childhood was filled with his mother, sister and his uncle. We shall meet his uncle in the coming chapters.

Apart from the normal school going child’s tension and worries, Vinay’s childhood was quiet happy as he had everything which a normal middle class boy couldn't afford. As mentioned earlier, the reason was his mother’s secured central Bank job and his father’s prestigious job in the Middle East. So he had every reason to study in a reputed CBSE school in the town.

The boy was dark and had straight long hair like his father. When he was a school student, his classmates commented him as “black beauty”. His music teacher, Mrs. Sharmila wrote a song about him and even taught the song to the entire school. She also made the kindergarten students dance for that song in the annual school day function.

Vinay loved his school and his friends and will always cherish the good memories about them in his whole life. He is truly blessed with a wonderful school life. He still remembers the moment once he really wished that the school would not close for its x’mas vacations way back when he was in 8th Standard as he didn't want to miss friends for 10 days. He also remembers the moment when one of his teachers surprisingly dashed into his class and announced that their

10th class was coming to an end from the next day for the exam preparations. Tears almost dropped from his eyes that day. The Boy was very proud of boasting that he had not missed even one day's attendance in his 9th standard. And unbelievably his attendance was 100% in his 10th standard.
The sad part was that, life shut the door of happiness at vinay too early. Life took him through many obstacles which he never ever expected. He had to go through an array of painful occasions. He faced unexpected stumbling in his family, made wrong decisions in his career and was mentally isolated and confused in finding a solution to a disturbed life.

He was forced to make unintentional conclusions about life. He felt loneliness everywhere and was deprived of serenity and calmness on his thoughts. He would have had a silly smile on his face when he had told this to himself. “Life is just once and to live it happily, there should be love, togetherness, understanding and forgiveness. Life becomes dark when people starts living for money and later it would become a struggle when the money cheats on you and then make you run away into the arms of depression. Ultimately, one would end up in losing the family, their trust and their love upon them”.

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