Tuesday 18 October 2016

Chapter 7, Blessed moments with Grand mother

Grandmother was known as “onnammachi” to everyone and that name was given by Nisha long back. For many kids she was onnammachi and never knew what her real name was and she was onnammachi for the entire world till the last breath of her life.

Vinay was fascinated about the small round golden earings which onnammachi used to wear and he always slept with her holding that earing. Onnammachi lived with chackochayan and family in piravom. Only onnammachi had a bed in that house and the rest slept on the floor in a paya (mat). Only vinay had the privilege to sleep with her on the bed as he was very close to her. The sad part was that, vinay met her only during his school holidays.

Onnammachi was an expert in cooking and she would make delicious snacks and many dishes for the kids. Vinay loved the unniyappam (typical kerala snack which would be sweet and made of gram flour and jaggery) made by onnammachi and always would stuff his stomach with it as much as he could. And at night, he would end up in a bad stomach and used to tell onnammachi that,” I could hear a rumbling in my stomach”.

The next day, vinay would be telling onnammachi that his stomach is perfect and wanted her to make something different. Onnammachi would continue feeding him yummy and tasty food items. Ultimately, vinay would end up in a bad stomach again.

Vinay remembers about the numerous occasions when onnammachi took him to a local ayurveda doctor who was sitting on the first floor of an old building. Poor onnammachi used to climb up and down the narrow wooden stairs which was almost like a straight line with vinay with the support of thick long coir which was hanging from the top like a thick plait. Vinay loved the black thick lehyam (ayurvedic medicine made of herbs and natural ingredients) prescribed by the doctor. onnammachi felt happy and would be looking affectionately at vinay when he is licking the last portion of the lehyam from a shining and tiny steel spoon.

As I told before about the nercha (offertory) festival, onnammachi was vinay’s companion for all the nercha festivals. He used to sit only with her in the kitchen the previous night, for the preparation. And the next day also vinay made sure onammachi sat beside him when the nercha committee served the food.

Whenver, vinay is at chackochayan's house, he would be attending the sunady mass in the church and he would be sitting with onnammachi along with other grandmothers who attended the mass. During the mass, whenever onnmmachi comes back to her seat after receiving the holy appam (receive Eucharist) from the priest, vinay would force her to open her mouth to see the tiny white appam lying flat on her tongue.

Vinay was told by his mother in his teenage that onnammachi used to stay with them till he was 3 years old. Through his mother he also got to know that he was very fond of her food item called “pappadam thoran”. Vinay could vaguely recollect the taste of it. But as a matter of surprise, vinay could never taste that dish after she moved to stay with chackochaya's house  and his mother also never ever tried of making it. I would say, vinay never ever again tasted it in his rest of the life.

Vinay could remember his mother told him that onnammachi was sent back to chackochaayan’s house by his father as a result of devil’s act.
Onnammachi never again came back to vinay's hosue and she was with chackocahayan till the end of her life.

 Ranjith uncle had a different story to tell about onnammachi’s departure from their house. He confidently told that on the occasion of vinay’s parents’ wedding anniversary, ousechayan (vinay’s father was called by that name by everyone) slapped annamechi in front of everyone for a silly reason. Onnammachi was deeply hurt and could not tolerate that and she left the home the next day forever. Ranjith uncle also said that, onnammachi kept crying in her room that whole night. Vinay would never forget this story.

Ranjith uncle also respected and loved onnammachi. He used to tell vinay that she was the only person who took good care of vinay as a baby.He also said something unusual and implausible that no one liked vinay including his mother annamma as he was ugly as a baby. Vinay couldn’t comprehend anything what ranjith uncle had actually meant by saying so. But all these stories sprawled in his mind for ever.

Onnammachi passed away when vinay was doing his final year MBA in Hyderabad. One day His mother called up and told that “onnammachi is very weak and bed ridden. All our relatives have come now to meet her. She wants to see you and Nisha at the earliest”.
His mother's words brought fear and sadness in vinay's mind. He could feel that he was going to lose his beloved onnammachi. Vinay couldn't reply anything and was standing still hoilding the receiver close to his ear.

Few moments later, he heard his father talking to him in the other end. What he heard was really unexpecting. His father said, “You try to come. It’s not so urgent. Everyone is there. If you think you would miss the classes then no need to come”.
Vinay was exasperated and replied, “I will come and I want to see onnammachi. I don't care about the classes” and he just cut the phone. Later Nisha also called him up (who was also in Hyderabad doing her Ph.D) and told about the same strange conversation she had with father.

 Vinay was wondering how his father can talk like that. He made a conclusion that his father was feeling jealous and insecured about their attachment towards onnammachi. His father clearly knew that vinay and Nisha was not all close to his parents and deliberately they didn’t attend his father’s funeral.

There are many reasons for vinay's and nisha's detachment and aloofness towards the parents of their father. Main reason was that they never ever visited them frequently as they were staying with their father's harsh and inhuman elder brother vakkachan. Secondly, they were staying in changanassery, which is almost 2 and half hours journey from tripunithure. And above all, vinay's mother took her transfer to tripunithura to get rid of her brother -in-law vakkachan and family.

Why vakkachan was harsh and inhuman? We would come to know in the coming chapters.
Vinay and Nisha had attended their grand mother’s (veliyammachi, mother of their father ousechayan) funeral when they were in 6th standard and 8th standard. They were not sad in her demise but they were worried about their exams that were happening the same week.  Still Vinay was wondering why Nisha cried a lot on that day beside her coffin. I think only women can give an answer for that.

Nisha and Vinay took the next day's train from Hyderabad and reached tripunithura the day after. Their mother had already reached chackochayan’s house one day before Vinay and Nisha along with their father's arrival . Vinay saw onnammachi lying on her bed. And she was very week and shrivelled. He also realized that she had stopped talking from that morning. Her eyes were wide opened and her hair was trimmed like a school boy. Vinay gently ran his hand through her hair. He felt like touching a basket filled with soft, white cotton. He was wondering whether this was the same onnammachi who climbed the straight wooden stairs holding the rope. Tears rolled down through his cheek and he just left out of the room.

That night, he took shower and was passing through the drawing room and his father saw him and asked, “Are you losing your hair?” he just looked at him and went inside with a smug smile. He felt his question quiet irrelevant and unpropitious.

The house was filled with unknown kith and kin. After sometime, he met few new faces and among them were onnammachi’s sister’s son (Georgeachayan) and his wife (Zarammachi). Later he met Sebastian (son of Georgeachayan& Zarammachi) also. Vinay then remembered the story he heard from sajeesh when he was a kid that Veliyachachan (onnammachi’s husband) fell in love with onnammachi’s sister and left the house along with her to Mysore long years ago. And a he also remembered that few years before, veliyachachan and onnammachi’s sister had passed away.

The next day early morning by 5, vinay got up hearing a loud cry from Onnammachi's room. He realized that Onnamachi had left this world forever.
The most hateful thing for Vinay was the photo session on the funeral day. He hated and felt macabre about standing near the coffin and facing the camera with a sad face. The whole crowd took their photographs standing near the coffin. His father had his photographs taken many times and still he was unsatisfied. He went inside and came out frequently and each time he came out, was carrying a child of unknown relatives and would go straight to the coffin for his next photograph.

Vinay also had to do it. He was asked to stand near the coffin along with sajeesh, sangeetha, Nisha, Anitha and anjali (annamma’s younger brother’s children) for a photograph. He never wanted to do that and if he denies, it would be a shame on the family, it would be an act of disrespect towards the elders and who knows if his father would act indifferently in front of the crowd on his misbehavior. So he decided to stand near the coffin and the photographer did his job perfectly.

Finally, before the burial, he kissed on onnammachi’s forehead and the ceremony ended with a complete silence. 

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